Learn Japanese – 読み方は同じなのに、漢字が違う!
These are JLPT N3 level vocabularies. If you don’t know any of them, please watch the video! How to read is same, but different Kanji....
Let's learn Japanese
These are JLPT N3 level vocabularies. If you don’t know any of them, please watch the video! How to read is same, but different Kanji....
JLPTを受ける人も受けない人も、「読み方は同じなのに、漢字が違う」シリーズは勉強になると思います。 例えば、玉(たま / ball)と球(たま / ball)の違いはな〜に? For example, what is the difference between 玉(たま / ball)と球(たま / ball)?
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